
By BanksiaMan

Historic plant

This Bougainvillea plant grows in our neighbour's yard. We enjoy looking at it across the fence.

The species was named in honour of the French navigator Admiral Louis-Antoine, Comte de Bougainville. In a distinguished career in the French navy, he circumnavigated the globe in 1766-9. During the voyage, he came very close to sighting the east coast of Australia, 3 years before Captain James Cook. Along the way, in Brazil, his naturalist Philibert Commercon collected samples of a spectacular climbing flowering plant which he named in honour of his captain. As always, Wikipedia has lots of information

Included in the Wikipedia article is a memorable quote from Bougainville, commenting on the British-French war in North America: It is an abominable kind of war. The very air we breathe is contagious of insensibility and hardness.

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