Old Hooky

Here I am with the next in my series of British Beers. This one is Old Hooky and a particularly flavoursome brew it most certainly is. According to the label it should be drunk cool but not chilled. Okay then. Into the fridge for 10 minutes - not so long as the last one, given that the ambient temperature is a little lower to begin with now.

The label also suggest that it has been brewed in the Cotswold Hills since 1849 and finally declares that it is "Fruity and Full Bodied". Once again I find that it is very much after the style of Coopers Sparkling Ale and of course Young's London Ale from last time. No deposit in the bottom of the bottle this time and perhaps not quite as full bodied as the above mentioned ales. But the flavour? Beauty mate!!

I am just a fraction curious. I did have an alternative picture HERE. What do you reckon?

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