
By Ubik

Digital Gardening

Okay, I'm cheating a little as only one part of this image is an actual photograph, but I thought it might be cool to give a little insight to what I do for a living.

Long and short of it is I make the artwork you see in video games, primarily any foliage that's required for a level, so you could kind of consider me to be a digital gardener.

In this image you can see in the top left, I've taken a photo of some leaves from some of my houseplants which, in the top right, I've then converted to a digital "Atlas". This will be used by the computer to know how to apply the images to a 3D object.

The final, bottom image is the final result (a little scuffed as I whipped it up for this blip!) where you can see how I've taken those images and applied them to a 3D object to create a digital plant. 

Naturally I've oversimplified a lot of the process but I hope you found this interesting nonetheless!

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