
By Marionb

Enlightened Mind...

.. the title of an art exhibit at our local Station Gallery. 

For the last couple of days, with Maggie being pretty much back to her normal self, I have been outside working in the garden a lot and today I felt like having an actual outing; I had not been away from the house for a week!  SO... with an art gallery just down the street, that looked like an easy option...

The artist is Vicky Talwar, who, according to her exhibit bio, draws upon her personal experiences as a Hindu Canadian to produce paintings, mixed media and installation artworks that address themes of cultural hybridity, displacement, movement and memory and express the contrasts of her identity by embracing both vibrant colour and textured materiality...

I may not fully see and understand all the meaning in her work, but I was really drawn in by that vibrant colour and texture, and the meditative soundtrack playing in the background certainly lent a feeling of peace and relaxation to the experience.

Her installation Interconnectedness in which she uses salt as her artistic medium appealed to me too...  A staircase arrangement of chiffon fabric panels upon which she had printed her images of Himalayan salt rocks, rests on a bed of salt. (extra). She invites you to move around the installation and see how it moves with you and creates an interactive push and pull..."a reminder to humanity that we are all connected with all life." I didn't really feel that, but I still liked the installation. 

It felt good to get out and about again...I am planning to go to the movies with my neighbour Elaine to see Barbie and with Maggie's condition improving so much, I just might be able to get up to the cottage for a few days after all..Maybe on the weekend? Things are looking up... 

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