Day By Dave

By daybydave

I Love Yorkshire Pudding!

It's true. It's my "National" dish. This one is a little past it's best for eating but scores highly in the "strange shaped Yorkshire Pudding" stakes.

Being from Yorkshire I of course am used to eating it separately from the main course. Growing up it was always the starter for Sunday Lunch, served with either jam or golden syrup. I have no idea when eating them as a starter became the norm but my mum,who was a child during WW2 remembers the "competitions" for who could eat most puddings as a starter. The winner being awarded more meat during the main course. The idea was obviously to fill her and her brother up before the rationed meat got divided up.

Nowadays I'm afraid, I have become too Southern and only tend to eat them along with the roast beef and veg etc. Hmm,next time we do a traditional Sunday lunch I think I might rebel and do a really traditional Sunday lunch!

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