Capital adventures

By marchmont

Day at home

After yesterday's exertions I nearly slept in and only got to the pool at 7.25.

Once hone it was a work day interspersed with a social call with #1 son.  he had sad news about a friend who he only just heard had died in a climbing accident in Pakistan last year.  He was a Wing Commander in the RAF.  Later there was a chat with Y about window cleaners, another package arrived (pictures) and I opened two others.  I didn't stir far and outside it was warm but changeable.

The pictures that arrived were painted by my grandfather, a man I never met.  They had gone to York after he died and I bought them back a dealer in York.  She was very kind and threw in an added bonus of an unmounted water colour of Gerona.  I now have 5 of his pictures.  I think this is my favourite.  Rue de Mouffetard in Paris. I'm staying close by in October so will be able to visit. 

Oh and I have finally ordered some Fringe tickets.  I hope I remember to go.

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