
By thespotlightkid

Landslip at Burning Cliff

All alng the Dorset coast there have been big landslips because of the the incessant rain last winter. The coast here at Ringstead Bay is famously unstable, in fact this section burned for weeks in the late nineteenth century when a landslipe caused oil to leak out of a seam in the shale and catch fire.

Last time I was here in March a landslip had destroyed the footpath down Burning Cliff to the sea. When I returned in May more rock and soil had come slithering down, in a mudslide that reached almost to the beach. Unfortunately some of this used to be someone's garden. This is taken from just above the beach, looking back up to the coast path. Top centre you can see a gable of the house whose garden is sliding inexorably away. Here is a 30 x zoom picture of the house and garden from a different angle - the vertical gash on the left is where his garden has dropped away.

Not sure I'd want to be living there!

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