A time for everything

By turnx3

Patio container

Friday 18 August
We haven’t had much exercise the last several days, flying on Wednesday, then watching tennis yesterday, so it was time to get out and do something, and the bike trail was calling. It was getting on for three months since we’d been cycling, not just the six weeks we were away, but the month before when Roger was largely inactive due to his eye. Whilst the cycling in itself would have been OK once he was allowed to be up, the specialist was concerned that since his eye sight was somewhat impaired, he would be at a greater risk of falling off. I didn’t go very far today - just 11 miles return - Roger did a few more. However, I didn’t come across anything particularly photo worthy, so instead I’m posting a picture of one of our patio containers, which has done quite well in our absence. We had put them all together on the patio, and left a sprinkler on a timer, and they survived very well.

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