Kaybees Bits

By Kaybee

No Puppy Dog Tails

The slugs were a good 5" (12cm) each. The snail was was maybe 1/5" (5mm).
The front slug was watching me as I was taking pictures.
They are horrible creatures (in my humble opinion) but these two had nice markings.
The snail climbed onto the camera while I went to get the big camera with the macro lens (I had a small one with extension tubes but couldn't get close enough to where it was). I was just too late to get a picture as it slid over the lens - which was a shame because the extension tubes can focus on something touching the lens.

Squirrel was a picture of sartorial elegance this morning (or maybe not).

SWMBO had a dental appointment this afternoon as see has developed a bit of an infection after having the temporary filling. 
She arrived back at 5pm in a very annoyed mood. She had been given a prescription for anti-biotics and nipped next door to the pharmacy and was told that they wouldn't fill the prescription because it was too close to closing time ......... more than an hour away. The weren't happy when she demanded the prescription back. We then headed down to the pharmacy in the supermarket (who also close at 6pm) and had it filled in straight away. They weren't happy to hear that anti-biotics would not be issued ASAP.

Shopping, turning and weeding were also slotted into the day - as was grabbing couple of pictures of the sunset just as it disappeared.

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