
By Wildwood


Cyclists are balanced on two wheels already, but through the miracle of photography this one looks like he's balanced on the top rail of our fire garden fence as he cycles up Los Alamos Road. 

I took Spike down for a play date with Cindy's basset hound, Hazel, and they had a good time. Just about the time Spike put the exuberant Hazel in her place and they were working out their strategies, I had to leave for an appointment at the dermatology clinic. We promised to do it again soon.

I raced over the hill to the clinic, getting there exactly on time. I was pleased that the doctor I chose to see has her own set-up, including waiting room, across a small patio from the large, crowded and rather dismal main waiting room. the doctor walked into the room and Immediately spotted the lesion on my leg. She said I probably already knew that she had to do a biopsy although there was no doubt in either of our minds about what it was. Biopsy done, leg wrapped in a stretchy bandage I came home to find a large tanker truck in the driveway emptying the septic tank. Oh joy...

 The Los Angeles insurance agent who is dealing with our cancelled policy made it back from the East coast and called to say that he hadn't received the insurance information I had sent him. A look into my sent file indicated that none of my messages actually reached him. Turns out I hadn't spelled his email address correctly.  By the time I got that sorted I hadn't had anything to eat, my leg was hurting and I was not organized for my drawing lesson with Janet. 

Couldn't reach Janet to take a rain check, and while I was sitting there collecting myself our elusive neighbor from down the street had sneaked up to our front door and left a lovely little bag of home baked biscotti and chocolate cookies. She has done this before, and seems to have a sixth sense about when such a little bag of treats is sorely needed! I wolfed down the biscotti and called it lunch.

A call from our new insurance agent informed us that we can get insurance from the California FAIR plan and that it will only cost about $1,000/year more than what we currently have. In an ironic Catch22 situation he also said that the company that cancelled our homeowners'
policy will now raise our automobile rates because we can no longer qualify for the discount they give for having more than one policy with them.

Now I'm sending more documents to him so he can find insurance for our car.

By the time I checked in with another neighbor whose husband had a bad fall yesterday and had spent half the night in the emergency with him, I was ready for a nap. Instead, I have put my leg up and Spike and I are having a rest, as the temperature outside rises to 90F. My weather app shows a cloud of heavy precipitation over Edmonton. I sincerely hope that it helps with the fires up there. 

This time of year always feels apocalyptic....

It. seems that, especially at this time of year, an unreasonable majority of my time is taken up in dealing with fire related issues.

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