Occasionally Focused

By tsuken

Night to Day

No photo through the day today. I wondered about going out to photograph some stars, but decided I felt to lazy to even look to see if the sky was still clear enough after dinner. But ... I needed a photo, and was struck by an odd idea: an expoosure long enough to make the night look light, with the attendant motion blurring. I think it worked out alright, actually - and there are even a few stars visible through the gaps. This is straight from the camera, for whatever that's worth.

Look larger if you like.

Also, hmmph a bit. I sodded up Runner's Log on my iThings, by changing the email address for my iTunes/iCloud account. Not the account; just the email address. ... Let's just not go there. Anyway, did I still have the backup of my Runner's Log data that I exported a while back for other reasons? Of course not. Can Runner's Log import data in a csv file? Why yes. Yes it can. Can Runmeter export to a csv file? Why yes. Yes it can. Is there, then, a happy ending to this tale of running woe?

Of course not. Don't be silly.

Runner's Log requires the csv to be in the format:

date, route,distance,,time,shoes,tags,notes

Runmeter, on the other hand:

Route Activity Start Time Run Time Run Time (secs) Stopped Time Stopped Time (secs) Distance (km) Average Speed (km/h) Average Pace Average Pace (secs) Ascent (metres) Descent (metres) Calories Fastest Speed (km/h) Fastest Pace Fastest Pace (secs) Maximum Heart Rate (bpm) Average Heart Rate (bpm) Maximum Cadence (rpm) Average Cadence (rpm) Maximum Power (watts) Average Power (watts) Adjusted Power (watts) Power Variability Power Intensity Power Score Peak Power (0:20) Peak Power (1:00) Peak Power (5:00) Peak Power (20:00) Peak Power (1:00:00) Bike Shoes Notes

... has a few more columns. :-/

A mahoosive amount of editing would go into getting that importable; I might just as well add it all by hand. :-(

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