wooly wonders

By biblios

Slow recovery

The last few days have been up and down, I have been to Dundee and flew the heights! I have heard a dear friend has past away suddenly! I started something which is now running and is going to be amazing, which I will put out more when it comes to taking its picture :-). But we also have had the worry of one of the cats, Midnight, has been poorly. Had to explain that she isn't herself, she is eating but not right, she seems okay but I know she isn't. The Vet tonight found she had a something on the very back of her tongue and after a teary parting she went and got anesthetized, to get it checked. Bingo, she had some plastic wrapped round the very back of her tongue, bin scavenging I think. It has made her miserable and unhappy, I am so glad we know what it was and it is now sorted, she is still flat and woozy, but home! This is her resting and glaring out the window, she is now asleep and recovering. So Glad.

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