Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

The Pie-man

First of all thank you for all the lovely comments about our special day yesterday. It was a lovely day in the end so thank you.
I'd cancelled my church duties this morning as I was pretty sure I'd be tired after yesterday. I'd driven up from the Borders in the morning through some very flooded roads. The evening's return trip to Glasgow again through rain for at least half of each direction finally getting home about 11pm wasn't easy. I was tired emotionally too, I'd probably been overthinking things, but in my role as matriarch, I do, at least that's my excuse!
Today therefore started with no pressure which was lovely, enhanced by Ali and Josie arriving unexpectedly with croissants for all. After a lovely family morning, Joyce and I headed off to Stockbridge. It was very busy, but we found spaces for lunch in La Barantine a small French cafe with delightful pastries and cakes as well as various savouries. It is one of my favourite places to eat since the demise of Bon Papillon. I had a freshly baked quiche, in fact I only managed half and brought the rest home in a box for tomorrow. Joyce has a lemon cake! We had a lovely chat with a couple from Ottawa who, on seeing my salad, laughingly said they'd been told Scots didn't eat vegetables and that they weren't readily available here! What a reputation. I laughingly said that this was a special occasion!!
My main purchases, apart from birthday cards were some board books for Josie which were brand new, the flaps in the books hadn't even had their serrations broken. I think she'll be very pleased she loves sitting on our knees and listening to stories and I just can't resist buying books! I believe I'm buying them for the children as substitutes for myself, now that I read almost exclusively on my Kindle !
My blip is of the pie shop in Raeburn Place, I've passed it often and today decided to buy a pie for our dinner. We shared a chicken, mushroom and parsley one. These are more pies in progress. Steak with dauphinoise potatoes, steak and ale and butternut squash with mixed veg. I was impressed that it was all done on the premises. The pie we had was excellent, we'll be going back to try some other varieties.
We have the house to ourselves this evening, Joyce has gone home to Leeds. It's been quite a weekend.

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