My day

By 59

Tiny Tuesday

…and derelict Sunday. I was sewing up holes in my very old, favourite black merino and cashmere jumper when I noticed the challenge for today was tiny something “in your hand”. 

I have always liked sewing and craft. I must have made this in primary school - isn’t it the worst thing you have ever seen constructed out of old material and cardboard? But it works. It has held my needles for about 60 years so deserves it’s minute of fame. I couldn’t possible throw it out could I? I laugh every time I see it. 

Went to see the doc today. The only thing they can do for my knee is give me a new one. He said it is only going to get worse and it was up to me whether I wanted it done soon or leave it a bit. He recommended soon. At least I know why it hurts when I walk on uneven surfaces or sand. They have time to do it early next year in the private system, I hate to think how long you need to wait in the public hospitals. The specialist was very nice and on time. Wow.

Thanks for hosting MaryElizaR and Marlieske 

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