Sweet dusty-bones

By sweetdustybones

14. You

To my husband. You said the right words :)

Earlier in the day, the kids and I baked muffins,covered ourselves in flour, took our flour-covered bodies into the garden to clean off in various tubs and containers, filled cement tray with water from the hose, fell out over hose-water in faces (not me), made friends over freshly baked muffins, took muffins outside for a teddy tea-party, ate muffins, threw muffins at each other's heads (not me) - had some time playing separately to calm down. Lots of bouncing on trampoline, drawing with paintbrushes and water all-over-everything, started to get bored again and all a bit fed up of each other so at this point I GAVE UP and headed to a friend's back garden for some peer support during the witching hour (managing to reverse into neighbour's car on the way). Fed chickens, looked at frogs, played with sticks, made dens, poured sand on other people's heads, ate pizza, put 4 boys in the bath and finally came home again JUST in time for you to walk in and see the flour explosion in the kitchen AND the garden. I Pacified you with a muffin. Put kids to bed. You said the RIGHT words: "I'll go and get a take-away"

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