Fishing Charter

I had to use the self portrait as todays blip. The fish from the charter were nothing to write home about. My tally: 1 Bob's tally: 1 and one that got away. That isn't to say there weren't fish. Some of the other fishermen did very well.

Anyway, We had Bobs fish for dinner with scallops and prawns from the supermarket.

Bob and I got lost on the way to the boat harbour this morning. That's what you get for getting the out of stater to navigate. I took us to the wrong harbour. We nearly missed the charter.

I am absolutely knackered now. It was a full day on the water and reeling a giant lead sinker up through 80 odd metres of water again and again all day makes for one tired fisherman.

Off to bed.

Swap meet and family lunch tomorrow.

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