Growing Up

Ben is growing up quicker than Cameron did. He’s not 13 till October (all the best people have a birthday in October) but I think looks older.

Him and his Papa are doing a cycle round Loch Leven with the scouts this evening. I’m on my own for the first night since Mum died. Keeping occupied.

We had a nice walk with Saffy this morning, first time I’ve been walking with her since June. S went each Thursday during this time, but I’ve been taken up with loads of clearing and before that with Mum and last Thursday was my pneumonia jag.

Ben was here for tea and then they left around 6pm.

I had done my Blip last night before I had a phone call from Mum’s GP, the very caring Amanda Walker. I had emailed her last Sunday as I had a couple of questions that were weighing heavily on my mind regarding Mum. I did ask for an appointment with her but she retires the end of September and is full till then. She is only two days per week now so can understand why booked up. I asked her to dictate a reply and send by e Mail,but being the superb GP she is , she called me around 9pm last night. I had been thinking about mum in her final couple of days and as she was mostly sleeping I was very worried that she would be in pain and couldn’t tell us. She said that pain would have woken her and she would have been agitated and moaning, which she wasnt. She had the morphine driver in but I was concerned the levels of pain had increased and the morphine wasn’t enough. There were a couple of other questions I had in my e Mail and she also talked through them in a lovely manner and it really helped . Her own mother just passed away so she completed understands on all levels. What a loss she will be to the profession. But totally deserves her retirement.

I was really blown away by her dedication to her patients so much so she called me at home. She said it was better as no interruptions. I really appreciated this.

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