Life through my eyes

By Amanda_T


We were never fans of halloween but this seems nuts. In the entrance of the garden centre, halloween versions of Christmas decorations. I should image they will sell some, but maybe not as much as they have on display.

I went to Almondsbury garden centre, for lunch this time with a friend. They had a nice pet section so of course it was rude not to buy Beau a toy. I knew that Jo had been trying to find him a coat as he hates being wet (although he likes to play with water) and he does shiver with the cold in winter. She still hadn't found anything and I spotted a fleece lined waterproof coat for him. He was very happy with it and the new toy (first extra), and gave me a kiss! He enjoyed his afternoon walk even in the drizzle (second extra). I also got him the bed in Aldi yesterday as Jo was carrying the other one up and down the stairs and could easily have tripped. The idea being this would be his day bed to look out the window. Last night he refused to go up, and then started to carry it upstairs, wouldn't let go so they carried it up together, which rather defeats the object. He had my last bits of disposable income this month. Better value than halloween tinsel!

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