*¨*:•Everyday Magic•:*¨*

By Squatbetty

Enchanted Moon

Another Mill Hill beaded kit, a lot smaller than the last one. Think it's lovely and I'm going to make it into a card for my niece's birthday... she's a little *witchy* like me :-)

The lovely sgwarnog is kindly hosting LBB9 this month and has posted the prompt here. Another interesting one, following on from lizzie_birkett's LBB8 (It’s all in the Past!) - thanks for hosting and coming up with the prompt Lizzie! What other blippers read is here.

I'm still ploughing on with An Infamous Army by Georgette Heyer for my LBB8 book. I'm enjoying it but the historical detail of Waterloo, and the build up to the battle, is VERY detailed so it's taking me a while to digest... so many names, places, regiments and maneuvers. It's not quite as easy to read and frothy as other Heyer novels I've read. Apparently she did loads of research and it's very historically accurate. Feel like I've learned a bit (historical facts) plus it's nice to read about some of the characters from Regency Buck and what happened to them (fictional).

Hope everyone has a lovely weekend xx

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