Not a good look!

Made from the leftover roasted veg and kale from the garden yesterday this soup looks dreadful but tastes amazing! I was in two minds whether to use the image other not, just a pity it looked so unappetising but was the complete opposite. I hadn't  taken any other photos all day so I went for it anyway!
It has been a bit of a gloomy day outside so I made up my mind to finish the the reusable sanitary pads today. I put on all the press studs and packed them into the fabric bags I had made. They were then all ready to be handed to Rachel who is taking them out to Africa in October. They were a bit fiddly to make but I'm pleased to have helped, in a very small way, to support girls who are at present unable to go to school when they are menstruating. 
The rest of the day I spent doing some other indoor chores that were calling!
I phoned mum as usual at teatime only to learn that she had been suffering all day with her leg which she had been unable to lift from the ground without doing it manually. She was in tears and despite being offered help by the carers had decided to soldier on! I just wish she had let me know earlier in the day when it's so much easier to sort things out. I told her she had to use the buzzer and summon help if the pain continued once she was in her bed. The carers where she lives are very caring and will do whatever is necessary, so long as she asks!!

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