
By Brotographer

Smoke Filled Bubbles

To finish off last night, Ali and me hit Duke's for a couple drinks with Martin, Anu and Cindy, and later Sury and a couple others. Jinman and Katie joined up and after chilling outside of Saints for a while and rolling around in Jinman's car, the four of us ended up at mine for a couple hours. This was a night that was never gonna end as planned (because we never did plan anything....)!


Uganda meeting! Turns out Ali, Kris and me managed to end up on the same project: constructing outboard motors for use by local fishers. Long story short: September is gonna be sooooooo sick!

In the evening, off to south leam, picking up a pipe from the shisha crew on the way! Tonight was Alex's 21st. As usual, the good parties always seem to be documented on my blip by poor quality photos. From left to right, we got Isaac, Monica, Alex, Matt (hiding behind the shisha), Shane, Mahfood, Erin and Imke. Fishy fisheye, I might actually go a whole week using just this lens (hopefully taking better photos of course). Crucially, we decided not to go to Evolve and instead stayed in. Not a bad night.

Ps. this house is where I'm gonna be living for the month of July, I'm psyched.


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