electric glass

By electricglass

Little Wild Horse Canyon

Back blipped Book Cliffs at Dusk

Back home. Was one of the best days I've had in a long time!

Started out the morning getting up at 4AM Headed out and shot sunrise photos at Book Cliffs

After that went and checked out some Petroglyphs.

Then went south to see the Goblin Valley. It really is like going to another planet. (They did film it as another planet in the movie Galaxy Quest)

Then is was off to Little Wild Horse Canyon! It was just amazing!! At times the trail was hardly an arms length wide. I love this picture as it just show the immensity of the cliff walls to us. Look closely, that's my niece hiking the trail.

I'e been up now for 21 hours with lots of adventure and lots of driving. Time to pass out! I have tons of more great photos from today. Keep an eye on my flickr page and I'll be getting them up tomorrow.

Thanks for checking out my journal!

(The only bad thing about today was having to figure out one photo to blip!)

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