talloplanic views

By Arell

Target fixation

Another too-long day at work meaning I ran out of occasion to go anywhere and so took very few photographs, the only other being a huge Red Admiral butterfly that lay wide open on my patio work table but when approached by the big scary human, flew over to my swing and resolutely refused to open its wings again.  But hurrah, emergency cat blip to the rescue.

I had to tell off Blackie* that butterflies aren't for chasing, no matter how many bucolic Enid Blyton illustrations she looks at.  The sun at lunchtime was strong and warm and lovely, and brought out her otherwise almost invisible tabby markings.

* names have been changed† to protect the innocent
† from what I don't know, because this isn't my cat, although we are on occasional¥ stroking terms
¥ better than tolerating, but so far more like nonplussed

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