photo face no 2

whenever he sees a camera pointed in his direction at the moment he does his 'photo smile' - a sort of screwed up face with his head tilted slightly backwards so you can see straight up his nostrils and can barely see his eyes.

when I say "you don't need to smile like that" this is what you get. Out of the two I think this is preferable.

They scootered all the way to Gorky Park today, then all around the park, over the pedestrian bridge on Frunzenskaya and back home again. By the time we got home they were completely shattered!

Gorky Park though was a revelation, gone are the dodgy amusement rides and even more dodgy junk food kiosks and they have been replaced by great cafés, lots of places to sit and relax (well, if you're not with three speed demons on scooters), skateparks, lots of sports facilities and hundred of thousands, I kid you not, rollerbladers.

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