
By fitzbilly

Blue Tinted Specs

My new glasses. Close up. The light pad brings out the blue. It's only the frames. The lenses aren't tinted. Nikon lenses actually.

I won't take any other photos today as we are busy tidying up and cleaning/vacuuming in preparation for visitors tomorrow.

In other news the BT digital voice adaptor arrived, but it won't pair with my router, so we are going to be forced to use a BT hub if we want to continue with voice calls. Seriously thinking about ditching the voice calls and just using mobiles. Mrsfb needs a new mobile though, the Samsung A34 seems to be the one we will go for. We need to check it works as well as her old A50 before we make any hasty decisions.

One year ago:
We Found The Sunflowers ...
I spotted another field on the way to Bourton yesterday, but there is really nowhere to stop.

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