Naked baking

3years 231days

We've done lots and lots today! By 8am we had cycled to the swimming pool and were raring to go. Until I realised I'd left her costume drying on the washing line. So she was treated to a new swim suit - a proper "big girls" one, not a sunsuit type. She is rather pleased with it. She did some excelent swimming for me - she's developing an entertaining butterfly-esque stroke of her very own. And her backstroke rather surprised me, she likes that one a lot now too. We spent some time in the deep end of the learner pool, convincing her that she actually can swim in that bit. We did lots and lots of chasing the ball, swimming the hoops and such. I spent a few minutes with her in the big pool, just a couple of times jumping in to get her used to it.

After swimming we cycled to church. She was very pleased to discover the music group was learning her favourite children's song. She was even more happy when her cousins arrived and then some of her little friends arrived. She had a brill time in "girl's room" and came back tellng me about what they'd been talking about. We cycled to the shops, followed most of the way by some friends. She'd asked to make pink strawberry buns this afternoon so we needed a couple of bits for that.

When home, she decided she wanted to take her pretty dress off for the baking. And that she didnt want to put another one on. So she baked in just her apron (with underwear). We made cake pops, a dragon fly bun, a ladybird bun and a butterfly bun (silicone moulds). Baking done, she's spent the rest of the afternoon on another eating mission!

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