Everyday Life

By Julez

Sunshine On A Rainy Day

Quite a busy day today - a parcel to collect from a shop on Monks Road (Stuff for my Dad - nothing exciting, even for him!) . It was a large box and took some lugging home in the rain! I've also done more house jobs and laundry.

This afternoon I visited my Dad. He is OK. One of the carers is taking him out for a mix grill on Sunday as he's been really fancying one for a while. They are so good there! I doubt he will be able to eat much of it though. 

I thought the social care woman was late - I'd got it into my head that she said she'd be there at quarter to four but it turned out it was quarter past. They wanted my Dad to walk to the quieter room at the end of the lounge. I knew they were trying to see how well he could walk. I also knew he would not make it that far - he could only get to the far end of the lounge.

She asked several questions and it went pretty much as I thought really... The conversation exhausted him and he was practically falling asleep by the end. The woman said that she's going to recommend that he get a permanent place in there. She says she has not had a recommendation refused yet but there is always the chance. She also strongly suggested I should get Power of Attorney sorted - through a solicitor rather than attempting to do it myself.

It was quite late when I left the home and I was still without a Blip, so I attempted a few shots of people on the way home. I like the colours in this one - and the stormy looking sky! 

Tonight I was determined I was cooking a proper meal. My recipe book calls it Paella but really it is just rice and veg cooked in the most complicated way imaginable. Good job it was reasonably tasty after all the fannying around it involved. 

Even opening a tin of butterbeans was a challenge though because our little-used tin opener is rusted up and knackered! I messaged Brian (who was shopping at the time) to buy a new tin opener. This involved much messaging back and forth across two apps and the odd phone call whilst trying to cook! And because the butter beans needed to go in before Brian was back I had to attack the tin with rusty can opener and knife, managing to slice into my thumbnail in the process. Nothing too bad fortunately!

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