Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair


Joan's nerine - I love it and blip it every year. I don't know how it has got to this stage already, last time I looked (last week because I cleaned some dead stuff out) there was no sign of any flowers. I rather like it like this, before the main flush of flowers comes.
Today I had a lazy start, which was very nice. We had a call to go and help out cleaning the church as those on duty had COVID so we're staying away. This weekend is Holy Cross Day, our patronal festival so we have lots of special services on. Tomorrow there is a big funeral too, so we want the place looking good. Imagined how devastated I was when I was hoovering the sanctuary, to bump the altar and for one of the large candles to fall off. A large selection of the end it stands on chipped off and although I looked I couldn't find any replacement candles. I tried melting and sticking in the chipped piece, but to no avail. I felt awful as the first vigil service was starting in just two hours.
One of the people I was cleaning with said she had white tape at home and went to get it. In the meantime I managed to get the black sooty marks from my failed melting attempts off the candle. We managed to stick it back together, and although not as good as new, it looked pretty good from a distance. (See extra)
Our rector was extremely nice about it when I phoned to apologise, but I was glad to have found a solution so that he didn't arrive just before the service and find a problem. Phew!

There was a poster on our local Facebook page to say that the Mosque is holding a bake sale on Saturday afternoon in support of those affected by the disasters in Libya and Morocco. Lots of offers of help from the local area already

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