
By carliewired

90 F/ 30 C

Away from home and
the air quality is poor
here too. We'll survive!


We started our day at the bakery at 8:30. Breakfast is an essential but there are too many temptations and I could not resist the large cinnamon bun with my coffee. 

It's a bit chilly to be sitting outside painting today, so I took my camera to the Chinese Cemetery. It holds about 40 graves from the railroad building days (1880s) and now lovingly cared for. My daughter and I walked the site admiring all the glass works - gate lions, head stones, displays. 

As we drove up, there was an older woman sitting on the bench overlooking the site. I thought she could be in our plein group so I started to chat. She said she was a local person who didn't know about the event this weekend so I explained what I knew. I got a quick shot of her walking away along the road above the cemetery. 

Internet at our motel is sporadic, so I'm frustrated. I'm back in our room with my feet up. There might not be much for painting this weekend. 

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