Shady Lane

By SteveMcg

Sunny Sunday

Bit of a mixed weekend. Great Saturday morning at the Kinghorn Children's Gala. Ana, her Mum and her toddler group were sporting a Hogwarts theme and they all looked great.

Afterwards it was off for lunch courtesy of Granny. Unlucky for me I had a dodgy chicken curry and ended up in my bed by 6 with an unholy stomach cramp. When you have Crohn's this isn't entirely new but I knew what is was. Bloody chicken curry.

Anyway, after being up at 4am with a sore stomach, I felt a bit better today.

The in-laws decided to have a BBQ and a nice day was had by all. Ana was playing in her swing set with slide for ages. Var the curry incident, it was a right good weekend.

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