Journey Through Time

By Sue

For Emy and Larry Robin

Our dear, sweet Emy, of Daily Wild and Little Larry Academy has lost her best friend and confidant, Little Larry Robin. This is for you, Emy. I so enjoyed her little garden friend, Larry, and she showed us this sweet European Robin nearly every day of his life. Sadly, he hasn't been in her garden for several days and she fears the worst. He is survived by his mate, Lila, and at least one baby in the nest, and maybe several more from last year's family.

Larry even had his own Facebook page. What a rock star! We shall all miss you Larry.

I went to the Botanical Wildlife Garden today and it was a beautiful day to be there. I even saw another Cedar Waxwing! You may visit my Flickr Set of the garden to see the flowers, the waxwing, a dead bee on a daisy, and some young cows that I accidentally spooked when I went to get their picture. There were quite a few people there walking around, camera in hand.

AND, are any of you watching Discovery Channel's, North America series? It's been really interesting, incredible photography, amazing animal stuff. Highly recommend you to see it, if you can.

Take care, everyone.

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