
By Ridgeback13

Caught out

Chatted to M over some tea and toast then he left for the next leg of his drive to Thurso with S, and I spent the morning in phone calls with the care home, social care admin, pharmacist etc getting firmer plans on P’s move. Looks like it could be in the next 2-3 weeks. The manager at the care home was so lovely….clearly he’ll have much better care there than he’s getting at the moment. Still daunting to consider all that needs to be done to make it possible though!
Later in the afternoon I walked down to see the exhibition in Open Eye gallery (beautiful!) and have tea with @annejohn in her beautiful flat with unbelievably stunning views north to Fife as well as into Queens St gardens. I’d gone to see the recently purchased rug and curtains in situ and very nice they were too.
A few minutes after I left there the heavens opened…thank goodness I’d brought my umbrella! Dashed round to view a flat on Annandale St that has a stunning kitchen/diner and drawing room, but the finish and rest of the layout (plus the stairway and views) let it down. Thought it was worth having a look though. I’d got very damp waiting for the agent before I realised he might already be in the flat…clearly not quite got the hang of this stuff yet!
When I left to walk home it was alternating between bright sunshine (seen on the jobby  hotel in the distance here) and heavy showers - lovely light. Just after I took this popular blip shot the rain began again, very heavily and with very strong gusty wind. My umbrella got battered and I got pretty soaked. T called and I chatted to him all the way up the hill before meeting F&C at 56 North for a G&T and catch up. They’d been at an AI accelerator event and we had an interesting chat about their experiences, film making, AirBnB, education systems and gin making. Lovely to get to know them a bit more.
Home and a snack supper and chat to A before bed.

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