We lost count.

Appleby Horse Fair looming large. As we travelled East(ish) hosts of these were travelling West(ish). One or two things I've never seen before.
1. A head on shot of the innards of a Vardo.
2. One or two brand, spanking, shiny, new, unvarnished, unpainted ones.
3. A new breed of throw-one-up-in-a-hurry Vardo, which appeared to consist of a "Flatback" type of cart with a rectangular box mounted atop and clad in some kind of waterproofing, which may, or may not, find their way to Flickr© or similar.
I didn't think the other shots qualified on grounds that
A) Too many Vardos.
B) Hawes as a Biker venue can be repeated any time. as can
C) Played with by the light. Which turned the hillsides ruddy. Again may be flickred.

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