
By Pinkhairedlady

Pitlochry day 2

Backblipped Tuesday for Sunday

Slept reasonably well after yesterday’s excesses and took the boys out for an early walk. The promised rain had arrived overnight but was thankfully dry when we headed into the woods.

We treated ourselves to a fry up cooked on the barbie. I really enjoyed cooking outside and it certain helped blow the cobwebs away. Breakfast over we headed into Pitlochry. Grace wanted to head in for the 11.30 mass so we let them go first and after doing the dishes we joined them for a wander along the high street with a stop for coffee. The cakes were so fabulous looking that we all indulged. My salted caramel sponge was very tasty.

I picked up 3 new tops in a lovely wee shop with a 70% off sale on which I was quite pleased about.

We made it back to the campsite just before the rains started up again and whilst the dogs all slept we played Mille Bourne, a French card game that we picked up years ago on holiday. The object of the game us to play in pairs and be the first to reach a thousand miles to win the round. There are stop and go cards, mileages cards, cards to give your opponents an accident, run out if petrol, a flat tyre, to restrict their speed and the corresponding cards for repairs, petrol etc.
it was a fun way to pass a wet afternoon.

We decided to have fish and chips for dinner so whilst the menfolk headed into the chip shop, we walked the dogs.

After dinner we played dominoes, always fun and called it a night by 10. Unsurprisingly none of us were keen on a repeat of yesterday evening.

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