Everyday Life

By Julez


Today I have had a break. After all the stress and upheaval of the last week I felt like I needed one, and I feel better for it already!

Late morning I went out to get Fitbit steps and to have a look round uphill Lincoln. I walked up through the Arboretum then along towards the Cathedral. My Blip today is the part of the back of the Cathedral that has no scaffolding on. The place is rarely completely free of scaffolding.

I've included an extra of a horse and cart that gives rides around the Cathedral area. The man offering the trips dispenses little nuggets of history that sounded to me a bit made up as he drives his passengers around. 

It has been pretty dull today but has managed not to rain at least! It was not too cold either, fortunately. I walked back down through town where I discovered that there was a food market on. Everything was very expensive but I bought a fruity flapjack-type slice for lunch which was vey tasty! After getting the little bit of shopping I needed in town I walked home again. Not a very exciting day but ordinary will do me just fine today!

On a somewhat more exciting (To me!) note, Bri ordered us tickets for Wigan's play-off semi final match to be played next Saturday! 

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