A time for everything

By turnx3

Kayaking at Kiser Lake

A very warm sunny day beckoned, so we loaded the kayaks on the car and headed off to a new spot, Kiser Lake, north east of Dayton. It is another fairly small, no motors lake, rather like Stonelick Lake, but it’s always good to try somewhere new. There were a few fishermen out, and about half a dozen kayaks. The predominant bird today was the cormorant, they were plentiful, on the water, flying low over the water, or perched in the trees. We also saw several Osprey soaring overhead. Amazingly we didn’t see one great blue heron, usually very common on lakes and rivers around here!
We had a couple of hours out on the lake, then it was time to get back, since we were out in the evening at some friends. T, a former colleague of Roger’s, is quite a beer connoisseur and brews his own beer, and he and his wife P have this Oktoberfest party in their back garden every year. We couldn’t go last year as we were up in Wisconsin with Laura, and for a couple of years before that, T was working in Sweden, so it was several years since we’d been to one. Our hosts, as well as several guests had dressed up in German attire, and looked quite the part! P is also a very good cook, so there were a couple of delicious strudels for dessert.
Step count: 5,894

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