One click at a time

By KeithKnight

June Challenge - Lusty

Day 11 of TerriG's June daily challenge - Lusty

Lusty -
1. having or characterized by robust health
2. strong or invigorating: a lusty brew
3. lustful

Who would have thought that I would get another chance to blip the elixir of life (a.k.a. tea) so soon after yesterday's cosy blip.

But take definition No. 2, make a pot of tea (with all the necessary ceremony - warm the pot etc.) and if you have the right blend of tea you will get a dark brown brew - you can get equally flavoursome teas that aren't dark brown, but if people see dark brown tea (and especially if you only add a splash of milk) then they think strong. Tea is by definition invigorating, so definition fulfilled.

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