Bright and Beautiful

By ThingsBeautiful

Autumn Leaves

Its been a dark and dismal day here and by the time I got home from the hospital it was quite dark....

Blood tests this morning...then I treated myself in the luxuriousness of an independent cafe in the hospital - and spent ages trying to find a loo (there is one on each of the three levels for the public's use (and it really is just one, so of course there was a queue outside every one!)...

Afterwards I popped into town for a wander, but managed not to buy anything.

Last night after blipping I called the Drs surgery to ask about booking a flu jab - and they could fit me in today - so I went there late afternoon.

Surprised that now my arm is extremely sore (I don't think I've had a reaction like that for a few years), and hoping it will settle now I've taken paracetamol

I am really struggling with taking pictures with my camera and wondering if there is a fault with it as it I can focus, but every time the focus is a blur and I can't adjust the blur which is very odd.  I especially found it difficult trying to get the flash to work tonight as well..

Or is it just owner error???

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