Pepper and cress

A little while ago my boss brought in a bunch of american land cress to share. I'd not tasted it before and delighted by was by how tasty it was. A bit peppery, a bit crunchy. Perfect when added to a cheese sandwich. She's now brought in some plants for me and my colleague, as you can see here.

The one on the left is some sort of pepper and the one on the right is the american land cress. She's brought us both two of each. I'll be handing mine over to Roland for nurturing as I'm not very good at that kind of thing. Definitely not.

I saw this lovely quote on the journal of another Blipper which made me gasp out loud as it really resonated with me:

"I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples."

And for me it sits very nicely alongside this other quote:

"Aim high and throw hard."

They are from very different people. The first quote is from Mother Teresa, and the second is from David Rovics.

A few years ago when I was one of the organisers of a festival of political song here in Norwich David Rovics was one of the performers. He was brilliant.

Have a good evening and stay safe, people.

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