A New Day

By ANewDay

Bobby Dazzler

Just love the deep blue of this Anemone de Caen, which is blooming in a pot on the patio. The centre looks just like a huge blue eye! There's an equally stunning deep red one in the pot beside it and I might save that for another day.

Busy day in the garden again, cutting three areas of grass and tidying things up before we go on holiday on Saturday. We're only away for a week, but it will only take a little bit of sun and a little bit of rain to have them all looking like jungles!

I read today about a new type of grass-free lawn made up of 75 species of flowers, some scented, which only needs mown a few times a year. I reckon we'll be first in the queue when that becomes available to the public, possibly in less than a decade:-)

I was delighted to be able to rescue a huge bumble bee this afternoon, who looked ready to expire on the path. Her legs were starting to give way under her and it suddenly crossed my mind that she might be thirsty. I poured out a little water in front of her and she staggered forward and took a long drink, before rising majestically in the air and flying off again:-) Hope she makes it okay!

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