
By MarilynParker

Sunday sunshine

Got quite a bit done today thanks to the weather being fine. It was a good drying day so got the washer on as soon as I brewed my first coffee of the day.
Swept lots of leaves up and Terry did some of them but soon got fed up! Did some weeding in the front garden - not as much as was needed but the arthritis limits how much I can do - or rather how much I dare do inf I don't want to be in a mess! Mowed both lawns and the grass verges. I am not mowing those verges again when the grass on them is long and damp - makes for a lot more work cleaning the machine after! I wish the council would cut them properly but they just make a mess of them.
Main photo is nothing special - just two of the planters Terry made and that live in our back garden - but I loved the colours in the sunshine. The extra photo is of one of our oriental poppies - they have sprung up with new leaves and buds - must have been the recent summery weather that we had.
I've put a lot of stuff in our green (garden waste) bin this week and each time it looks full to the brim yet it tends to sink down giving room for more.

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