Jambo journal

By IainC

Little & Large

What’s the difference between a courgette and a marrow? Quite a few kilos!
I headed up to the allotment to dump the kitchen compost and to cut the grass but the latter had to wait seeing as I’d left the strimmer battery on the charger. That’s the last of the courgette/marrow harvest thank heavens (you really can have too much of a good thing) and I lifted some beetroot and cut some chard as well. No spuds though, still had plenty at home. There are a fair number of jobs needing done but I’m lacking in motivation just now so they’ll just have to wait.
Didn’t have the best of tenpin matches this afternoon, in fact probably my worst 3-game series score of all time. Don’t know why; if I did I’d fix it! Anyway, decided on some kitchen therapy when I got home and made the Christmas cake. That helped. And watched some exciting rugby, also helped. And then Spain went and beat Norway so that’s Scotland actually qualified for the finals of a football tournament. All’s well!

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