The Pensioner

By Pensioner

Last Day

Well, 5,001 blips and a new shiny gold camera. I didn’t realise I was getting one, but it’s made me so happy. As did shooting up the blip popular page thingy… but… No2 (yes, yes, appropriate)! Kept off no1 by Mr Raheny_Eye’s unlovely seal. I ask you. Takes me back to when Bowie’s Jean Genie was kept off the no1 position by Jimmy Osmond’s bloody ‘Long Haired Lover From Liverpool.’ Honestly, a travesty.  
So, last day, and blimey, after two weeks of pretty uninterrupted sunshine, in the late afternoon a haze began to thicken across the sky. Good timing to head in and pack. And then a step out to Maria’s for the last time.

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