
By suehutton

Getting ideas for Halloween

The bar will hold a Halloween party on Saturday evening. I'm trying to get Len to agree to go. He said, 'What about Match of the Day?' I'm sure you can imagine my reply.

We drove into Mablethorpe after I finally woke up to collect my mobility scooter which I have nicknamed Cedric. The proprietor did not recommend foldable scooters which he said were heavier than standard scooters and were not reliable. But we have got Cedric who does disassemble and reassemble much more easily than Cecily. Thank goodness or else I'd have a revolt on my hands.

Afterwards, we had breakfast at The Coffee Lounge beneath the verandah. Cheaper by far than in Leicestershire and generous portions. Dog friendly and with a children's play area on the side.

Finishing up with a tour of the nature reserve at Rimac, a favourite haunt. Entry was delayed by an unmovable peacock with two peahens.

Home to the chalet for a cuppa before venturing out for sunset over the North Sea. The wind is already strong and we have sand in our hair.

Football on now. England Vs Italy.

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