An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Halloween party ready...


A day of preparation!

Plumber came back out to fix the trickle in our ensuite cistern.  I mentioned the horrible smell in the hall an he agreed it was probably a blocked drain.  David checked the drains in the driveway and they were full of leaves so he cleared what he could then phoned to arrange for Dyno-rod to come out tomorrow morning.  Hopefully the problem will be sorted before the Halloween party goers arrive.

L took the girls to the park in the afternoon.  Poor Faith has a really bad cough and is feeling rubbish.  No appetite either.  She conked out when she came back and slept for hours.  

While they were out I made some Halloween crispy cakes and got the games sorted for tomorrow.  I hope Faith feels better as I'm not sure she will enjoy herself if she's still so lacking in energy.  They're starting off with a pool session and that's exhausting in itself when they have all their energy.

Beef casserole for dinner, done in the slow cooker, so another easy meal.  D made his famous creamy mash and everyone enjoyed it.

An evening of TV and snoozing for all of us...including the dogs!  :-)

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