
By maureen6002

Orchestral Manoeuvres ………

As many of you know, music plays a huge role in G’s life. Retirement has allowed him to rediscover the joy of playing in a variety of musical ensembles, and tonight there is an informal performance of the local orchestra, including a chance for his string quartet to play. 

I’d been asked to photograph the quartet previously but had been too unwell to undertake this task, so I’m pleased that health improvements now allow this, and - with permission - extend the brief to the whole orchestra. 

Not surprisingly, the audience at this ‘friends and family’ concert is small; it’s a wet and stormy night - though as nothing in comparison to conditions further north and east. Still, this makes my task far easier, though the geography of the church performance space makes getting clear shots rather challenging! 

G does feature in several shots of course, but I’ve chosen another violinist for my main; she’s not actually playing, but I like this moment of pensive stillness - and please excuse the plethora of extras……..

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