
I tackled my work todo list today and got some more requirements written, reviewed some user interfaces and set up a number of review meetings for the next couple of weeks. I also amused myself by drawing up a flowchart for a hierarchy of rules around Clash Management. It turned out to be very useful to my thinking and I am glad I did.

We did heat the sausage rolls for lunch.  PY also opened a parcel that had arrived earlier in the day and it turned out to be a jar of hot cross bun mayo. He’d entered a completion to win a jar and it arrived very nicely presented. I believe it’s a limited run so it’s going to be interesting to try it. We may take it with us at the weekend to share with family. Although it’s mayonnaise, the thought of the additional hot cross bun flavouring makes me think it’s meant to be spread on toast or something like that. I am not sure it’s a salad accompaniment. We’ll see. 

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