Bright and Beautiful

By ThingsBeautiful

Side by Side

the petunia and the pansy in my doorstep pot :)

I only realised the pansies have come up again today - and there are also primroses in the pot not yet in bud :)

Long day helping out at a workshop run by the dementia charity I volunteer for.  As its sometime now since I did anything like that I'm exhausted and not planning to do much tonight!  I ache in places I haven't for a while...

Its been a gorgeous sunny day here, but no time to go out and blip hunt.  In any case we were working in a small prefabricated hall near an extremely busy building site!  Getting there was full of dreadful roadworks with poorly organised traffic light system.  It took me 40 minutes to get through that one set...onto the roundabout.

So a doorstep blip it is!

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