On Some Days

By V1k1

Another Brick In The Wall . . . Pink Floyd

After the pool I popped up to Isel Park to get a blip for Wide Wednesday.  Our colonial history is not very old:

Thomas Marsden, a watchmaker from Cumbria, England, arrived in Nelson with his wife Mary in December 1842. He established a business in Selwyn Place and moved to Isel, then a property of almost one thousand acres. He built the original house, gifted the land for the nearby St Barnabas Church, created a plan for the park and planted most of the older trees, which are now over one hundred years old. After Thomas died his son James took over the property, developed the farm and built the stone front of the house.

Most buildings from that time were wooden.  I like this shot of the back of the house where I could get up close to the stone and bricks.  The front is in extras. 

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