People on a Bridge

By zerohour


We had our first "Oxbridge style" class meeting today. My two classmates are further along than me in the program, and were much more eloquent during our discussion. We covered Plato, Descartes, James, Wund, Turing, and Searle and their contributions to psychology, based on their selected writings. I was responsible for Turing and Searle. I liked Turing in particular; his paper was eloquent and sparky. While he doesn't take on mind in all of its aspects (no consciousness, no emotions), he says he won't do so early in the game, so one cannot really hold it against him.

Here is a cool Searle TED Talk I ran across.

I wish I could take all of this in faster, to start making connections and relating all to all. At the moment, it is ALL NEW, and it freaking fries my brain.

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